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Visualization of products


Different layers are included in the <Thermal Amazonia Viewer> for visualization over the Google Earth interface ("Layers & View" menu).


The main product to be visualized is the thermal index, equivalent to the standardized anomalies (ration between temperature anomaly and standard deviation of the mean for the reference period).


Thermal Index is available for both ERA-Interim products at 0.125º (available from 1979 to present) and MODIS products at around 5-km spatial resolution (2000 to present).


The viewer also includes the "Legend" layer for visualization of the thermal index color scale.







Note: The viewer was developed for the only purpose of visualization using a friendly-user interface. It only allows a qualitative analysis. For quantitative scientific analysis "raw" data is available at the ftp site.




Products included in the FTP (folder /datasets_pro) follow the notation:





var1: temperature product (“lstd” for daytime MODIS LST, "skt" for ERA-interim skin temperature).

var2: magnitude of interest (“temp” for absolute temperature in K; “absan” for temperature anomalies (K or ºC); “stdan” for standardized anomalies).

product: "mod11c3v6" for MODIS products, "eraint125" for ERA-interim.

year and month: date of the monthly LST product.


Format: GeoTIFF

Data Type: Floating point (temperature in Kelvin)

Non-Available Data: -999.

Spatial resolution: 5-km (mod11c3) and 0.125º (eraint)




In the FTP site you will also find additional products (and products included in previous versions of Thermal Amazoni@) for a sample time period (folder /samples). These sample products include LST anomalies using both MODIS Terra (MOD) and Aqua (MYD) platforms, the number of clear sky days (ncsd) within a month used to compute the mean value from different cloud mask schemes (mod35, fmask, maiac). If you are interested on the full time period for these datasets or any additional processing (or you are willing to recover previous products) please contact us.




Maps of temperature anomalies in PNG format can be found in the FTP site, folder /maps


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